人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 6 Work quietly C Story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,甘肃省

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年份:|2018|,版本:|部编|人教PEP|,学科:小学英语教学视频,年级:|五年级|,赛事:,TAGS:Workquietly,专题:,课件教案:PPT课件+教案 ,本课地址:https://www.tingkez.com/yingyu/xxyy/138202.html
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 6 Work quietly C Story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,甘肃省05f听课站-教学视频听课网,优质课,公开课视频听课网站!
Teaching aims  Knowledge aims:  a. Enable the students to know the meaning of the story. b. Enable the students to communicate in target language.  c. Enable the students to do the role play and retell the story by using the target language.  Ability aims:   Foster the students’ communicative ability.  Emotional aims:  Let the students understand the rules of public places Key points  1. Key vocabulary:  Film, gorilla, noise, popcorn, exciting, sign. 2. Key sentences: I love the film.  The gorilla is eating a banana. What’s that noise? I’m eating popcorn. It’s so exciting. Talk quietly. Look at the sign.  Teaching methods  1. The Situational Teaching Method. 2. Task-based Language Teaching. 3. The Behavior Teaching Method. 4. The Activity Teaching Method. 5. The Cooperative Learning Method.  Teaching aids  CAI, word cards, some pictures, headwear.  Teaching procedures  Teaching steps Teacher’s activities  Students’ activities  StepⅠPreparation  1. Free talk.  2. Review the phrases.  Free talk and read the phrases.  StepⅡ Presentation 1. Watch cartoons and answer the questions.  2. Watch again and answer another questions.  3. Teacher Tells the story with story map.  4. Listen, read and number.  5. Read the story.   (Read the key words and sentences with chant.)  6. Dub to the film.  Watch cartoons and answer the questions. Listen, read and number the pictures.  Learn to read the story together / in groups. Dub to the film in groups. StepⅢPractice and Production  1. Dub to the film in role play. 2. Act out the story.  1. Practice.  2. Act out the story with headwear in groups. StepⅣ Progress  1. Get the Ss write more signs for the cinema.  2. Check their answers.  3. Show some more signs for the Ss read. 4. Have some moral education.  Write more signs in groups.  Say some signs. Read and understand more signs together. StepⅤ Homework  A: Make a story map.  B: Retell the story with your partner. C: Try to design the more signs for the cinema.    Ss can choose homework and finish it.
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