人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 2 My favorite season 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,甘肃省

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年份:|2018|,版本:|部编|人教PEP|,学科:小学英语教学视频,年级:|五年级|,赛事:,TAGS:,专题:,课件教案:PPT课件+教案 ,本课地址:https://www.tingkez.com/yingyu/xxyy/138178.html
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 2 My favorite season 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,甘肃省k8I听课站-教学视频听课网,优质课,公开课视频听课网站!
Teaching design  ☆Ⅰ. Analysis of the students  The pupils in Grade 5 can use some simple sentences to talk their favorite things. In this class, they will learn to express their favorite seasons by weather, activities, colors and feelings. ☆Ⅱ. Teaching Objectives a. Knowledge objectives  Ss can listen, say and read the key words and phrases.  spring, summer, autumn, winter, season, picnic, go on a picnic, pick, pick apples,snowman, make a snowman, go swimming, which, best, snow, good job, because, vacation, all, pink, lovely, leaf, leaves ,fall ,paint.  b. Ability objectives  Ss can understand and apply these sentences to real situation.  —— Which season do you like best ? —— I like … best. —— Why?   —— Because I can ….  c. Emotion objectives  Ss can express their favourite seasons and reasons. ☆ Ⅲ. Focus Points & Difficult Points 1. Master the verb phrases and key sentences. 2. The pronunciation of several words and sentences. ☆ Ⅳ. Teaching aids:  Video Word cards PPT pictures ☆Ⅶ.Teaching procedures  Procedures T Teacher’s activities Students activities Purpose  Warming up  5  1.Greeting  2.Let’s play a game(Quick eyes) and Guessing game.(Which season is it?) 3.Answer the questions  Greet to the teacher.  Lead in the topic  课前游戏演唱歌曲及评价,调动学生积极性。集中精神,准备上课。        Which season is it ? How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year. Which season do you like best ?  4.Meet the four seasons  T need to introduce four seasons to  Ss and help them to know which  season do they like best?  5.Assessment  You did a good job.  Answer the question after class Which season do you like best?  Spring Four spring, summer,  autumn, and winter.        Answer the question        通过游戏导入引出本课学习的话题,通过评价调动学生的积极性,鼓励他们在课堂上积极参与。 Presentation 7   6 Task 1. New words presentation  a. spring  Which season is it?  What can you do in spring?  (Show some pictures about favorite season.)  Spring is green with flowers and songs.  Read nicely  I like spring best.I can go on a picnic with my family.I can plant trees.  Spring is beautiful.  b. summer  We like summer too. I can go swimming and eat ice cream.  What’s the weather like in summer?  What can you do in summer?    Why do you like summer best?  Summer is hot, but we can eat ice cream. Wow it’s delicious. I like playing on the beach. Look, we can swim in the water, eat watermelons  too.  Summer is happy.  c. autumn   We can fly kites and eat some fruits in autumn. It’s yummy.  Answer the questions   Which season do you like best? Ask and answer   Use the key sentences to  describe favorite season.   I like summer best. have a cold drink go to the beach go swimming eat watermelons     I like autumn best. 以问题为引领,让学生融入情景,喜欢春天的原因,通过回答,检测学生掌握的程度,随后通过朗读,仿说等途径表达对春天的认知好人喜爱。  通过询问与季节有关活动的方面的内容,帮助学生丰富语言表达并陈述所喜欢季节的原因。  Autumn教学部分让学生带着问题小组讨论,自主阅读,找出
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