人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 The Runaway Bunny 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,重庆市

07-11   阅读:


年份:|2018|,版本:|部编|人教PEP|,学科:小学英语教学视频,年级:|五年级|,赛事:,TAGS:,专题:,课件教案:PPT课件+教案 ,本课地址:https://www.tingkez.com/yingyu/xxyy/138197.html
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 The Runaway Bunny 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,重庆市fUR听课站-教学视频听课网,优质课,公开课视频听课网站!
The Runaway Bunny    文本:   Once there was a little bunny. He said to his mother, “I am running away.””If you run away,”said his mother,”I will run after you. For you are my little bunny.”  “If you run after me,”said the little bunny, “I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you.””If you become a fish in a trout stream,”said his mother, “I will become a fisherman and I will fish for you.”  “If you become a fisherman,” said the little bunny, “I will become a rock on the mountain, high above you.” “If you become a rock on the mountain high above me,”said his mother, “I will be a mountain climber, and I will climb to where you are.”  “If you become a mountain climber,” said the little bunny, “I will be a bird and fly away from you.” “If you become a bird and fly away from me,” said his mother, “I will be a tree that you come home to.”  “If you become a tree,”said the little bunny, “I will become a little sailboat, and I will sail away from you.”” If you become a sailboat and sail away from me,”said his mother, “I will become the wind and blow you where I want you to go.”  “If you become the wind and blow me,”said the little bunny, “I will become a little boy and run into a house.””If you become a little boy and run into a house,”said the mother bunny, “I will become your mother and hug you.”  “Shucks,”said the bunny, “I might just as well stay where I am and be your little bunny.”And so he did. “Have a carrot,”said the mother bunny.        教学背景:  本课时的教学内容是基于小学英语人教版三年级起点第五册三单元和四单元的拓展内容。在这两个单元的对话教学中出现了句型Why? Because…以及What will you do? I will…而本课所选择的 绘本The Runaway Bunny主要的句型就是If you …, I will…, 并且最后的活动设计中,学生要把I will…Because…这两个句型运用到一起,真正实现通过绘本学习来巩固知识,拓展知识,从而提高学习兴趣。    一, 教学目标  1.语言知识技能目标:能诵读故事中自己感兴趣的段落;能理解句型If ..., I will....;能用because…来表达自己选择的原因。  2.学习策略目标:能理解故事;进而培养正确的人生观与价值观。  3.情感价值目标:感受故事中母亲的爱,知道“家”永远是最温暖的地方; 通过活动中的思维碰撞,建立正确的人生观与价值观;培养阅读兴趣,养成爱阅读的好习惯。  二, 教学重、难点  1.教学重点:有感情的诵读故事  2.教学难点:用句型I will…Because…表达个人意愿 三,教学准备  多媒体课件;绘本;路线图片;磁钉若干;小组活动资料(便利贴,文具) ;stay 和leave两张大海报;奖励贴画胡萝卜  单词卡片:fisherman, mountain climber, sailboat(备用  三, 教学过程  Step 1. Warmer.    1. Greeting.  2. Let students know how to get carrots. T:Do you remember this story? Who are they?   What would bunny like to eat? You can get carrots from Ms Jing.(提出奖励是carrot)Let’s see how many carrots can we get today.If you get a carrot, I will stick it in the circle.  3. Study the cover of this story. Step 2. Presentation  1.Show question and watch video of the story. Question:What does bunny or mum become? 2. Group work: Exchange your ideas.  3.Answer question and teacher writes on the board.   Try to fill in the blank.板书句型If you…I will…用小图帮助人物理解  4. Use pictures to complete the blank. Stick pictures beside the blank.  5. T:Are there any questions? You can ask me. 师可以用难点单词卡片检查一下孩子是否会读。 6.Find which picture they like best.  (把图片移到路线)生结合图形,用这个句型选择自己喜欢的图来复述  7.Practise.师生互动,示范读故事(师~~生,生~~生) 8.Group work: choose 2~3 and take an emotional reading. 9.Show.   Step 3. Activity  1. T:We have known that little bunny wants to runaway from his mum,now Ms Jing wants to know if you grow up, what will you do? Stay or leave your families?(PPT用图形让生感知grow up)  Ss: I will…(师板书有特色的原因,把板书改成If I grow up,I will…  2. Group work: Listen to your heart and write your opinion on the paper.(每个学生一张便利贴,写下自己的选择及原因,然后走上讲台贴在海报上,师请部分孩子说出他们的选择) 3. Show.  Step 4. Consolidation: 1. Watch video.  T:Now, you choose stay or leave,but maybe it will change when you really grow up. Maybe you miss your mother and father,maybe they are ill and need you…Anyway, home is sweet and warm forever. Ms Jing will share a video with you today.  2. Make the house to be LOVE.
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