部编外研版八年级英语上册Module6 Unit2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省





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部编外研版八年级英语上册Module6 Unit2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省

部编外研版八年级英语上册Module6 Unit2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省

部编外研版八年级英语上册Module6 Unit2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省由听课站收集整理,听课站视频主要涵盖中小学优质课视频,公开课视频,示范课视频,获奖课视频,说课视频,模拟上课视频,模拟试讲视频等,通过多年的不断更新与完善,优质课视频内容丰富,是一个强大的教师优质课听课平台,如果您需要观看更多关于初中英语教学视频的教学视频请到初中英语教学视频栏目观看。如果您觉得该视频不错请别忘了将该视频进行转发分享到微信、QQ空间等,让更多的人一起学习,同时也请记住我们的网站【听课站 https://www.tingkez.com】。

课题:部编外研版八年级英语上册Module6 Unit2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省
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课题:部编外研版八年级英语上册Module6 Unit2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省
I. Analysis of the teaching material:  Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all, taken from New Standard English textbook for eighth-grade students published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. In this version of textbook, there are always 3 units. The first unit focuses on listening and speaking which usually comes in a conversation. The second unit concentrates on reading and writing with a passage. Unit Three drills the language in diversified context. Today’s lesson is based on the topic of animals’ protection, especially introduces the pandas’ present condition as well as the scientists, the government and the WWF have done for the pandas. This topic can greatly arouse the students’ interest, it’s also an excellent source of environmental education.  II. Analysis of the students:  The object of the teaching is the students in Grade Eight. The topic of this class is about animals, which is very familiar to the  students. According to children's psychological characteristics, they are interested in pandas. So in the teaching process, the students have a strong desire to perform. In the course of training reading ability, the teacher should give the students appropriate performance opportunities.  III. Teaching aims:  By the end of this class, students will be able to Knowledge aims  1. Master key words and phrases: research, baby, situation, scientist, southwest, nature park, develop, government. 2. Get to know key sentence patterns: infinitive structure. Ability aims  1. Know something about the endangered pandas.  2. Learn to use different reading skills like skimming, scanning. 3. Talk about how to protect animals. Moral aims  1. Know the importance of protecting animals and our environment. 2. Develop their sense of duty to love and protect animals.  IV. Teaching difficult and important points 1. Important points
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