人教版英语必修6读写课 Unit 5 Using Language Reading and Writing 教学设计

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The Lake of Heaven (Reading and writing)
教学内容:人教版《英语》必修6   Unit 5 Using Language Reading and Writing
本课含两部分内容: Reading 部分介绍了旅游胜地 The Lake of HeavenWriting 部分要求根据所给信息写一篇介绍Changbaishan hot springs的作文。
课文The Lake of Heaven 是一篇典型的旅游景点介绍的描写文。文章结构、层次清晰,语言通俗易懂, 因此可做泛读课处理,培养学生通过skimmingscanning快速获取信息的能力。本文对天池的地理位置、自然环境和景观、旅游看点、玩点描写清楚,是旅游景点介绍类文章的很好的范文。因此在阅读课文之后,可引导学生归纳出景点介绍类文章的基本结构及常用句型和词汇,为学生的写作做铺垫。此外为了做好阅读延伸,可把writing 部分写作任务的内容进行整合,改为模仿课文,描写学生熟悉的家乡旅游景点。鉴于课堂时间有限,可让学生在课堂上列出要点,做口头介绍,课后完成书面写作。
Teaching aims
Knowledge aims
1.      Master the words and phrases in the text..
Glance throughvary from…to…diversity bathe appreciation guarantee
2.      Understand the difficult sentences desribing Tianchi in the text
The varies in height from 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 meters and is home to a great diversity of rare animals plants and animals.
It is said that this boy, who had a great gift for languages and persuasion, is the father of Manchu people.
3.      Review words and expressions for describing a tourist attraction.
lie/stand/ in/on/to   be located/situated in
….meters high/ wide/ long/deep…
….metre in height/width/length/depth…
be famous for …   be full of/rich in… is home to….
Positive adjs.: beautiful, largest, spectacular, uniqe, appreciation, grand, wonderful, special, unusual, excellent, unforgetable, attractive…
Ability aims
1.      Learn to skim and scan for information about a tourist attraction
2.      Learn to analyse the stucture of an introduction to a tourist attraction.
3.      Learn to write about a tourist attraction with proper structure and expressions.
Emotional aims
1.      To arouse students’ love for and pride in their hometown by introducing a scenic spot of their hometown.
Important and difficult points
1.      To analyse the structure of the introduction to Tianchi
2.      To learn to introduce a tourist attraction in English
Teaching and learning methodtask-based approach
Teaching aidsppt slides
Step 1 Lead-in    (5 Mins)      
1. Introduce the topic of travel to Ding’an
T: Class begins. Good morning everyone. Well, I am Mrs Wu from Hainan Middle School. Nice to meet you. (Nice to meet you too.) Today, I am very glad to be here because this is the first time I have come to Ding’an and after this lesson, I will have one day and a half to travel around Ding’an. Do you think it wonderful? Yeah, and I hear in Ding’an there are many places of interest. Can you name some of them? (Nanli Lake, Wenbi Peak, Murui Mountain, Jiuwentang Volcanic Cool Spring, Ding’an Acient City, Celebrity Hometown, Ecological Villages, Tropical Birds World). Wow, so many. But I don't have enough time to visit all the places. So what do you suggest? Which one do you think I should visit? Why? Can you tell me something about it? What is special about it? What can I see or do there? (Ask some students to say a few words about the places of interest. Some may be able to do it; some may find it diffcult)
2.    Present the task of the lesson
T: We can see that some students find it difficult to introduce a place of interest. It doesn’t matter. Because in this lesson we will learn how to introduce a place of interest/ a tourist attraction/a scenic spot. 如何介绍或描述旅游景点。I hope after this lesson, everyone of you can introduce a scenic spot to me, so that I can make my travel decision, would you help me?      
Step 2 Reading (15 Mins)
1. Story telling: Lead in text with a story about Tianchi, which is based on Paragraph 3 of the text. Ask the students to complete a chart basic on the text and guess where the story happened(explaine the word “bathe, persuasion, Manchu people” while telling the story). Then check the answers with the students.
T: Now, let’s start our lesson. First of all, I’ll tell you a story. You listen to the story, trying to understand it. Then fill in the blanks with persons or animals. Clear. Now listen.
Onece upon a time, three beautiful young ladies from heaven flew to the earth and discovered a very beautiful lake on top of a high moutain. So they came to bathe in lake every day. One day, while they were bathing in the lake, a bird flew over and dropped a fruit onto the dress of the youngest girl. The girl picked it up and smelled it. Suddenly, the fruit flew into her mouth.. Having swallowed the fruit, the girl became pregnant and gave birth to a handsome boy. The boy was very good at languages and persuasion. People say he is the father of Manchu people.
2. Skimming: Ask the students to skim the text and answer two questions.
T: In the story, you heard about Manchu people, a high moutain and a lake. Can you where the story happened ? Yes, in Tianchi. Tianchi in Changbaishan. Changbaishan is a place where most Manchu people live. Look at some pictures of Tianshi. How do you like it? Yes, it is so beatuiful that it is like a lake in the …..So the English name for it is the Lake of Heaven.
T: If you have got a chance to visit Tianchi, would you like to go? Yeah, but before we decide to visit a place, we always need to find out information about it, right? Now let’s read a text about Tianchi and learn more about it. Now, open your books at page 39. Skim the text and answer two questions. You have 2 minutes to go.
1) What is purpose of the text?
 A to help scientists study volcano
 B to tell readers a story about Tianchi
 C to introduce Chanbaishan and Tianchi to the readers
3) The text can be divided into ______ parts.
 A. 2        B. 3       C. 4
3. Scanning: Students read Part 1 of the text and fill in a chart with information about Changbaishan.
T: Well done. Now tell me, when we read an introduction of a scenic spot to make our travel decision, what kind of information about the scenic spot do we need to find out? (where is it/ location, what is special about it/why it is worth visiting, what is it famous for, what can we see and do there) Good, so now let’s read Part 1 about Changbaishan and find out these kind of information about it. Then you fill in the blanks with information about Changbaishan. You will have 3 minutes to go.

Special Features
Much of the mountain is _______________.
It is China’s largest __________________.
It is home to a great diversity of _________________.
The height of the land varies from______metres to ______ meters above sea level
What do see and do
Study _____________________ in the area; walk ___________; see ______________; bathe ____________; appreciate _____________ the most popular tourist attraction.

4. Scanning. Students read Part 2 of the text and fill in a chart with information about Tianchi.
T: Well done, class. now let’s go on to read Part 2 of the text and find out information about Tianchi. Then complete another chart.

Special Features
Much of the mountain is _______________.
It is China’s largest __________________.
It is home to a great diversity of _________________.
The height of the land varies from______metres to ______ meters above sea level
What do see and do
Study _____________________ in the area; walk ___________; see ______________; bathe ____________; appreciate _____________ the most popular tourist attraction.

5. Video:
Ss watch a video of Changbaishan and follow the subtitles on the screen.
Step 3 Analyzing the structure  (7 mins)
Guide the students to analyze the structure of a scenic spot introduction based on the text,i.e.what kind of information about the scenic spot does the writer included in the introduction. And refer the students to the words and expression the writer uses to make the information clear and attractive.
T: What do you think of Tianchi after reading and learning about it? Can you use some adjs to describe it? (bearutiful, amazing, fantastic, specialreally worth visiting…) How can the writer make Tianchi so attractive and amazing? Do you want to learn about how to introduce a scenic spot from the writer? Good Now look at your worksheets and tell me what kind of information about Changbaishan and Tianchi does the writer write about? (location, special features includeing size, appearane; history, story or culature, and what can tourist see or do). Let’s see what kind of words and expressions does the writer to make his introduction clear and attractive.
         How to introduce a place of interest/tourist attraction/scenic spot
Location:   be/lies/stands in   be located/situated in   on top of/ at the bottom of
Special features (Appearance/size/ height/depth/history/story):
            …is covered with…. …is home to…      …is like….
…is rich in….    is famous/well-known for   
           …meters high/long/wide/deep/above sea level   
the height varies from..to
covers an area of ….
What to see or do: v.   
Step 4 Introdction of a scenic spot in Ding’an (16 minutes)
1. Discussion: Present some pictures of famous scenic spot in Ding’an. Go through the pictures with the students. Then let the students work in groups to introduce a scenic spot in Ding’an.
T: So do you know how to introduce a scenic spot now? Great. Now it is your turn to introduce some tourist attractions in Ding’an. First of all, let’s go through some famous scenic spots in Ding’an. Look, this is …What’s it famous for?
T: Now, you are going to work in groups of four, trying to introduce a scenic spot of Ding’an. First, you will choose a scenic spot introduce, and you discuss what information should be included in your introduction and what words and expressions can be used. One of you should take notes while discussing. Later one or two students from some groups will come here and introduce the scenic spot to everybody. Are you all clear? Start discussing now. You will have 8 munites to go.
2.    Report: Some groups introduce their scenic spots.
3.    Evaluation: Evaluate student’s introductions
T: So after listening to their introduction, which scenic spot do you think is the most attracitve and worth visiting? And the second most attractive? The third…. Great. So I am going to visit these places in the afternoon. Thank you very much for helping me make my travel decision. I am sure I will a very good time travelling around Ding’an. How I wish you could be my tour guides.     .
Step 5 Sum up (2 mins)
       T: So what do you think you have learned in this lesson? (how to introduce a place of interest) Such kind of introduction should include what…? Let’s read the words and expressions together.
So do you think you are able to introduce a scenic spot of your hometown in English now? Good, so after class write an introduction of a scenic spot in Ding’an.
       Homework: Write a short passage of about 120 words, describing one of the scenic spot in Ding’an, using proper words and expressions.      

人教版英语必修6读写课 Unit 5 Using Language  Reading and WritingncS听课站-教学视频听课网,优质课,公开课视频听课网站!


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